"Gutsy" Acrylic, glitter, thread and fabric on canvas and paper mache. 48in x44in x 4in
"Does Infinity Scare You, Too?" Oil on canvas with accompanying attachments made from oil, acrylic and colored pencil on canvas and paper. 4ft x 6ft
"Party Queen" Acrylic and glitter on paper mache. 34in × 17in × 4in
"Flower Crowns" Oil, acrylic, wedding dress (curtains), and dried flowers on canvas. 3ft x 4ft
"Flowers for Trudging" Oil, acrylic, pastel, and fabric on canvas. 5ft 6in x 5ft 6in
"Loud Mouth" Acrylic, paper, fabric, beads on a canvas and wood. 35in x 24in x 2in
"Superbloom" Acrylic, oil pastel, paper, glitter, thread and clay on canvas and paper mache. 52in × 41in × 2 1/2in
"Pick Me" Acrylic, oil, and fabric on cotton, clay, wood, paper, and modeling paste. 9ft x 3ft
"Drool!" Acrylic, colored pencil, paper, glitter, thread, foil and fabric on canvas and paper mache. 28in × 35in × 2 1/2in
"Garden of my Quarantine" Acrylic, gouache, fabric and paper on canvas. 4ft x 5ft
"Peering Out" Acrylic and fabric on wood, paper mache, and clay. 4ft x 3ft
"Welcome to my Party!" Acrylic and paper on canvas. 4ft x 4ft
"Roses and Explosions" Acrylic, oil pastels, egg yolk, yarn, canvas & bristol paper on canvas. 9in x 12in
"Green Gunk" Oil, fabric & paper on canvas. 3ft 6in x 5ft
"Self Portrait" Oil on paper. 8.5in x 11in
"Fish Man" Oil, acrylic, thread, wood, clay, glitter, colored pencil, beads & paper on canvas. 16in x 20in
"Journeying" Acrylic and paper on wood, clay, and paper mache. 13in x 13in
In Progress. Diptych. Oil and fabric on canvas. 5ft x 5ft each
"Impulse and Monsters" Oil, acrylic, gouache, oil pastel, bristol paper, yarn, clay, fabric, foil & glitter on canvas. 5ft 6in x 4ft 6in
"Monsters in the Bathroom Mirror" Acrylic, gouache, bristol paper, glitter & foil on canvas. 2ft 6in x 3ft 6in
"Friends Take Friends Home" Oil, acrylic, gouache, colored pencil & paper on canvas and wood frame. 27in x 31in
"Thank You, Trout" Oil on canvas. 11in x 14in
"Tomatoes and Strawberries" Acrylic, egg yolk & glaze on canvas board. 11in x 14in
"Emily and Friends" Acrylic, fabric, paper and coloured pencil on canvas. 11in x 14in
"Jack" (Commissioned) Acrylic, gouache, thread, paper, glue, linen & clay on canvas. 18in x 24in
"New York Summer" Acrylic on canvas. 4ft x 2ft 6in
"Organic Impulse" Acrylic, oil pastel & bristol paper on canvas board. 12in x 9in
"Pregnant Woman Presented to the People" Oil on paper. 8.5in x 11in
"This Is All Too Much Fun" Oil, fabric & glitter on canvas. 11in x 14in